Second lifecycle
for solar modules

For a sustainable future and
a clean energy transition.

Contact us!

Upcycling plant

We are developing a fully automated and scalable solution to process used, dismantled solar modules cost-efficiently for a second life cycle.​​

Learn more

around solar modules are currently in use worldwide

around 3.000.000 solar modules are installed per day

What is a solar module? How does a solar system work?

Return flow of used solar modules

The expansion of solar systems in the past will lead to a massive increase in the return flow of used solar modules in the coming years. A large proportion of the modules are currently being landfilled.

Why are solar modules dismantled?


Sie möchten Ihre alten PV-Module entsorgen? Wir haben die Lösung für Sie!



Interessiert an der Upcycling-Anlage? Wir teilen gerne nähere Informationen mit Ihnen.


Werde Teil des Teams

Sie möchten mit 2nd Cycle die Kreislaufwirtschaft in der PV-Branche stärken und die Energiewende vorantreiben? 
